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ENERGIE Product Range

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This 100 Litre product uses no Thermodynamic panels

so can be easily installed, even on the wall inside an apartment

(for example above a washing machine etc.)


This is the fastest water heater in its class on the market!



This product range offers 70% energy savings.

This solution can use your existing water cylinder (if suitable)
and comes with a 1 or 2 Thermodynamic panel model


(*NOTE you can't add a 2nd panel to the 1 panel model)



This product range offers 75% energy savings

These models have simplified control panels and

1 Thermodynamic panel



This product range offers 85% energy savings

This solution can use 1 or 2 Thermodynamic panels



This product range offers 85% energy savings

This is one of our most versatile products in the range that can provide an integrated solution for your Domestic Hot Water, Central Heating and/ or your Swimming Pool Heating needs.



This product range offers 75% energy savings

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